HoppyGo Blog in English

Our most popular and useful articles. Painfully translated by our very own COO Brian. 🙂


The Environment and P2P carsharing

P2P carsharing platforms such as HoppyGo bring a long list of benefits to everyone involved. On the one hand, users can rent cars at their convenience; affordably, transparently and easily.

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Bezkontaktní výpůjčka auta přes HoppyGo

Contactless car rental

Don’t want to risk but keep social distance? We understand you completely. How about more freedom when handing over the car?

Na HoppyGo lze auta předat bezkontatně

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náklady na provoz auta

Car operating costs

Calculating the cost of running a car is not easy. This article will focus on all the expenses surrounding car ownership. We also add useful examples and a calculator where you can calculate the cost of your own car.

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How to choose the right car during the winter

Are you looking for a car that can handle the rigors of winter with confidence? In this post, we’ll show you how to use the equipment filters to make the right choice on HoppyGo for a car that’s perfectly prepared for this time of year.

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Safe with HoppyGo!

Despite the situation in 2020 and 2021, HoppyGo remains fully active. If you need to go somewhere, choose the safest form of transport – individually by car. The platform is fully available to you. This short article will serve to remind you of a few basic rules for renting a car safely in person.

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