náklady na provoz auta

Car operating costs

The operation of our four-wheeled dreams is not free! You probably know that. But do you have an idea of how much and what you are paying for? This article will introduce you to everything an owner pays for in an average car. We also added some useful examples and a calculator where everyone can calculate their own costs. 

What and how did we calculate? 

For easier application to individual cases, we decided to demonstrate everything on the example of the three most common categories of cars – segments B to D – small cars, middle lower and middle class. 

For each segment, we will show how much the operation of a car of different ages and with different annual mileage costs. 

Car segment and purchase price 

  1. Small cars – 300 000 Kč
  2. Lower middle class –  500 000 Kč
  3. Middle class – 800 000 Kč

Length of ownership and age of the car 

  1. New caroperation for the next 3 years 
  2. 3 years old when buying – operation for the next five years
  3. 8 years old at the time of purchase – operation for the next five years

Annual mileage 

  1. 10000 km per year
  2. 15000 km per year
  3. 25000 km per year

This distribution corresponds to the typical length of ownership and the annual mileage of Czech private drivers. The values that are calculated represent an approximate estimate of the cost of operating the car. The specific value will vary from case to case. Download our Excel spreadsheet and calculate the cost for your car. 

We will state the kilometer operating costs without the price of fuel. This is probably the most visible component of costs, and due to volatile fuel prices, we have not added these values. 

We drew data for the calculation of values for operation from open publications on this topic and we will share their list with you at the end of the article. The amounts presented are only approximate. 


The loss of value, or depreciation, was calculated on the basis of the market value of the cars corresponding to the mileage advertised on the Sauto.cz and Tipcars services. These values were then compared with the Jitis depreciation calculator. Mechanical and wear and tear are included in the calculations. 


The costs of regular maintenance were determined from the price lists of 7 service centers in the Czech Republic. This list includes authorized services as well as independent mechanics. In the case of maintenance of the youngest category cars (0 – 3 years), the estimated costs of authorized services were used. The middle age category (3 – 8 years) was calculated by averaging the prices of both servicing options. The oldest age category (8 – 13 years) was calculated with the assumption of using only independent technicians. 


The cost of sudden repairs was estimated on the basis of expert articles devoted to this topic in depth. You will find the links at the end of this article. To each class, meaning the age of the car is calculated corresponding to the number of anticipated repairs. This amount increases proportionally with the increasing age of the vehicle. 


Accident insurance was also added to operating costs for cars under eight years old. According to our calculation, cars older than eight years were operated without accident insurance. Accident insurance and compulsory liability were arranged as follows: 

Segment B – woman, 30 years old, residence Prague, 36 months bonus 

Segment C – man, 35 years old, residence Brno, 40 months bonus 

Segment D – man, 45 years old, residence Prague, 48 months bonus


This section includes vehicle transcription, MOT and SME and parking. The total amount for these items was set at 2,200 CZK / year for all categories. 

Payment of fines was not included in the calculations. 


The latest items include highway tolls, tolls, car washes and accessories. The total amount for these items was set at 2,000 CZK / year for all categories. 

Loss of income

The lost profit, or damage from non-reproduction of property values, was not included in the final results. 

Items affecting car operating costs:

  1. Depreciationthe newer the car, the greater the absolute cost share of depreciation. In general, the value decreases by 20% year-on-year each year during normal use of the car.
  2. Fuel probablythe most visible part of operating costs. At current prices around 45 CZK / l and consumption 6.5l / 100km, the cost of fuel is 2.92 CZK / km.
  3. Regular maintenance coststhis includes warranty inspections, oil and operating fluid changes, tires.
  4. Repairs thissection includes the cost of unexpected car repairs. In general, it can be assumed that as the vehicle ages, repairs will be more frequent and, in absolute terms, more expensive.
  5. Insurancecontainscompulsory liability, accident insurance or other additional insurance that you have agreed for the car.
  6. Administrationtranscription after purchase, MOT and emission controls, parking and fines.
  7. Others highway signs, tolls, washing, accessories and more.

Operating costs – a small car 

We will start with the so-called A Segment, which includes small cars such as the Škoda Fabia, Volkswagen Polo or Ford Fiesta. The average equipped version can be purchased for around 300,000 CZK. Take a look at the approximate breakdown of costs by age and mileage. 

Car details

Up to 10 000 km/year*

Up to 15 000 km/year*

Up to 25 000 km/year*

0 – 3 years

Purchase price: 300 000 Kč

Initial mileage: 0 km

4,61 Kč / km

3,66 Kč / km

2,80 Kč / km

3 – 8 years

Purchase price: 190000 Kč

Initial mileage: 60 000 km

3,72 Kč / km

2,95 Kč / km

2,25 Kč / km

8 – 13 years **

Purchase price: 120000 Kč

Initial mileage: 120 000 km

2,94 Kč / km

2,29 Kč / km

1,74 Kč / km


* calculation does not include fuel costs.

** This category does not include accident insurance costs and works with the assumption of operating the car only with compulsory liability. 


Operating costs – Lower middle class car 

In our list we go further and focus on Segment C, lower middle class cars with a purchase price of around CZK 550,000. This group includes cars such as the Skoda Octavia, Volkswagen Golf and Ford Focus. The approximate running costs can be found in the table below.   

Car details

Up to 10 000 km/year*

Up to 15 000 km/year*

Up to 25 000 km/year*

0 – 3 years

Purchase price: 550 000 Kč

Initial mileage: 0 km

7,89 Kč / km

6,31 Kč / km

4,48 Kč / km

3 – 8 years

Purchase price: 310 000 Kč

Initial mileage: 60 000 km

6,21 Kč / km

4,22 Kč / km

3,15 Kč / km

8 – 13 years **

Purchase price: 120000 Kč

Initial mileage: 120 000 km

4,22 Kč / km

3,27 Kč / km

2,43 Kč / km


* calculation does not include fuel costs.

** This category does not include accident insurance costs and works with the assumption of operating the car only with compulsory liability. 


Operating costsmiddle class car

The last popular class among drivers is Segment D – middle class. This category includes cars such as the Škoda Superb, Volkswagen Passat, Ford Mondeo and Opel Insignia. On average, cars in this category are around 800,000 CZK for a new car. You can see the approximate breakdown of costs below.  

Car details

Up to 10 000 km/year*

Up 15 000 km/year*

Up 25 000 km/year*

0 – 3 years

Purchase price: 800 000 Kč

Initial mileage: 0 km

11,17 Kč / km

9,58 Kč / km

6,67 Kč / km

3 – 8 years

Purchase price: 450 000 Kč

Initial mileage: 60 000 km

8,94 Kč / km

6,29 Kč / km

4,86 Kč / km

8 – 13 years **

Purchase price: 160 000 Kč

Initial mileage: 120 000 km

5,64 Kč / km

4,26 Kč / km

3,28 Kč / km


* calculation does not include fuel costs.

** This category does not include accident insurance costs and works with the assumption of operating the car only with compulsory liability. 


  1. Jitis. (n.d.). Jitis Kalkulačka. https://tco.jitis.eu/kalkulace?calcMode=c1

  2. Novotný, R. (2008, Září 23). Kolik nás skutečně stojí provoz auta? Měšec. https://www.mesec.cz/clanky/kolik-nas-skutecne-stoji-provoz-auta/

  3. V, D. (2012, Březen 24). Jak spočítat náklady na provoz ojetiny? TipCars. https://www.tipcars.com/magazin/nase-tema/jak-spocitat-naklady-na-provoz-ojetiny.html

  4. Kei Autocentrum. (n.d.). Kolik stojí servis. https://www.kei-autocentrum.cz/data/pdf/dokumenty/kolik-stoji-servis.pdf

  5. Žák, D. (2020, Březen 30). První servis ojetiny: Co musíte udělat, aby se nerozpadla? Garáž.cz. https://www.garaz.cz/clanek/prvni-servis-ojetiny-co-musite-udelat-aby-se-nerozpadla-21003731#:%7E:text=Z%C3%A1le%C5%BE%C3%AD%20na%20rozsahu%20pr%C3%A1ce%2C%20ale,b%C3%BDt%20i%205%20000%20korun.

  6. Brnocar. (n.d.). Ekonomický servis. https://www.ford.brnocar.cz/38/ekonomicky-servis

  7. Ceník servisu. (n.d.). Autoservis Garant. https://www.autoservis-garant.cz/cenik/?gclid=CjwKCAjwxuuCBhATEiwAIIIz0ZGbMjsa9wBLo0q-czLMmw7tkoV3bMlKzrrmDwGYfh_y3Se_8UT6wRoCQQAQAvD_BwE

  8. Auto Horák Ceník. (n.d.). Auto Horák. https://www.autohorak.cz/novinky/cenik

  9. Ceník – Pneuservis, Autoservis Procus – Ostrava. (n.d.). Autoservis Procus. https://www.autoservisnovabela.cz/cz/cenik/

  10. SB AUTOMOTIVE – autoservis Liberec. (n.d.). SB AUTOMOTIVE. https://www.sbautomotive.cz/cenik/

  11. Autoservis Olomouc – Pegas pro Váš vůz. (n.d.). Autoservis Olomouc – Pegas. http://www.autopegas.cz/autoservis-olomouc

  12. Hrbatý, J. (2020, Listopad 12). Skutečné náklady auta – největší zbytečný výdaj. Finax, o.c.p., a.s. https://www.finax.eu/cs/blog/skutecne-naklady-auta-nejvetsi-zbytecny-vydaj

What is HoppyGo? 

HoppyGo is a car sharing platform that connects those who want to rent a car occasionally with car owners who do not use their cars on a daily basis. Users can thus use cars that would otherwise be parked in parking lots. On the other hand, owners can solve the costs of owning a car in this way or secure a side income. 

The platform includes over 1500 cars of all categories and brands. As a user, you have the opportunity to choose between luxury and affordable cars, sports cars, vans and camper vans, family cars or city cars. In short, you will find everything here.

Car operating is definitely not cheap. HoppyGo offers a safe and flexible way to rent your car and turn the cost of ownership into a solid passive income. Want to know how you can register your car on the HoppyGo platform? Then take a look at the article below.

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