The winter season is over and the main summer season is coming. Drivers‘ demand for summer holidays is starting to fill the car calendars. Before renting out your vehicle, it’s a good idea to check that your car isn’t missing essential fluids and is fit to serve during any upcoming rental trips. Has your car had a regular service? If not, take inspiration from our tips on what to look out for on your vehicle before the summer season.
Air Conditioning
In summer, one of the important functions of the car. If the air conditioning works well, it is a sign of regular care by the owner. An inspection should be done at least once a year and the best time is just before the summer season. To be on the safe side, entrust air conditioning maintenance to a professional service center as the filter needs to be disinfected and cleaned, refrigerant needs to be replenished and leaks need to be fixed.

Oil and other liquids
Some of the most basic routine maintenence should be checking the oil. Before handing over the vehicle, check the oil level with a dipstick on the engine and top up any missing oil. Refer to the manufacturer’s prescribed interval to determine if a complete oil change is necessary.
Remember to top up the coolant and washer fluid. Again, refer to the manufacturer for the change interval. For older cars, we recommend shortening the interval.

It is recommended to check the tyre pressure at least once a month. For most cars, tyre pressure should be around 2 – 2.5 bar. The correct values are always shown on the tyre inflation pressure label, by the fuel tank or on the driver’s door. But you will also find them in the manufacturer’s manual. Remember to check that you have a spare wheel and, if applicable, a bonding kit in your vehicle before you rent it. Also check the tread depth of your summer tyres, which should be at least 1.6 mm

Brakes and brake fluid
If you hear a squeaking or scrubbing sound when you step on the brakes, the brake pads are probably worn. The pads should be at least 2 mm thick. Unpleasant vibrations when braking at higher speeds may be caused by unevenness and damage to the brake discs. The surface of the brake discs should be relatively smooth without major damage. Do not forget to top up the brake fluid. Usual replacement is every two years, and is important for proper brake pedal function. Brake fluid also requires occasional checking. This can be done simply in the reservoir by the engine. Pay attention to what type of fluid is intended for your vehicle. Refer to your vehicle’s maintenance manual for information.
Battery life is generally in the range of 4-6 years. The longer the routes you ride, the longer the battery life. However, if the vehicle hasn’t been driven as much during the winter season, the car battery needs to be connected to a special charger to provide the necessary capacity for a fresh start. You can check the condition of the battery with a stress tester, which will help you detect deficiencies. The temperature of the battery during the stress test must be at least 16 °C.

What is HoppyGo?
HoppyGo is a car sharing platform that connects those who want to rent a car occasionally with car owners who do not use their cars on a daily basis. Users can thus use cars that would otherwise be parked in parking lots. On the other hand, owners can solve the costs of owning a car in this way or secure a side income.
The platform includes over 1500 cars of all categories and brands. As a user, you have the opportunity to choose between luxury and affordable cars, sports cars, vans and camper vans, family cars or city cars. In short, you will find everything here.